
St. James’s Place Faces On-going Challenges

Nov 3, 2023

St. James’s Place, (Britain’s prominent wealth manager), faces a challenging year as its practices come under scrutiny and its share price experiences a sharp decline. The company, with nearly 4,800 advisors managing over 900,000 clients’ wealth, is contending with heightened attention from claims management firms and a notable drop in its share price.

Of particular concern is the issue of clients allegedly being charged ongoing fees without receiving the appropriate advisory services. Claims management firms assert that numerous St. James’s Place clients have not undergone full financial reviews, potentially spanning years, despite continuing to pay annual fees. The Financial Conduct Authority has expressed worry over clients paying for services charged by SJP that fail to deliver value for money, emphasising the need for robust controls within the wealth management industry.

In response to the allegations, a St. James’s Place spokesperson highlighted the significance of ongoing reviews in ensuring the continued suitability of investment plans. The company’s share price decline, alongside the implementation of new consumer rules, underscores the evolving landscape within the wealth management industry.

St. James’s Place’s system of enabling partners to borrow from the company, coupled with specific performance-related incentives, has also come under scrutiny. Partners, bound by substantial loans, face prolonged commitments to the company, which has raised concerns among industry observers.

While the company maintains that partners have the option to sell their business at any time, internal documents reveal the intricate financial structures in place, including performance-based allowances and rewards tied to generated fees. These financial arrangements, while supporting the operational costs of partner practices, have drawn attention to the dynamics at play within St. James’s Place.

Original Article Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/investing/trouble-st-james-place/

Have You Lost Money After Receiving Advice From St. James’s Place?

Types of complaints:

  • Mis-sold Pensions
  • ISA’s, Investment
  • Shares
  • Stocks
  • Offshore Bonds
  • High charges and Penalty Charges
  • General Mis-advice


If any of the following points apply to you, it is very likely that you have grounds for a claim:

    • Millions of pounds in financial adviser fees are being deducted from UK investors’ ISAs, pensions and investments every year – these fees could be refunded to you.
    • In most cases the adviser is simply not able to provide the full extent of the services that they promised. This means clients are paying substantial fees for absolutely nothing. Their commission-based advisers may not have given you the best advice.
    • Due to regulatory changes in 2012 nearly all investments and pensions have built in adviser charges. These are deducted every month / year to pay for an agreed level of ongoing service.
    • Each time the adviser fails to meet these service levels they are breaching the terms of their contractual arrangements and you could be due compensation.
    • Pensions: You were advised to switch your pension, Consolidate your pensions; Consolidation is rarely good advice but earns commission which is deducted from your pension, You were advised to stop one policy and start another, Their advice caused an unexpected tax bill.

Get Help With Your Complaint Today & Contact X-Claims


X-Claims has a proven track record in successfully winning maximum compensation for their clients and works on a no-win no-fee basis with no up-front fees. You can only make a claim once, so using a professionally qualified regulated firm can be invaluable. If you are unhappy in any way and are dissatisfied with your financial service provider then please get in touch with us. Fill in our Contact form Below.

You do not need to use a claims management company to make a claim

You can do this yourself for free, and if your claim is unsuccessful you can pursue it yourself with the Financial Ombudsman Service.
If your product provider or your financial advisor is no longer in business, you may be able to use the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (subject to their Rules).

X-Claims Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority – FRN: 829746

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Have a question or just want to get in touch? Give us a call or fill in our contact form. Would you like to speak to one of our specialists over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.

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